UPDATE NOTICE: Version 1.0.1 is now available.
We recommend you download that version due to bug fixes and other enhancements,
Announcing the Release of OOTP Fantasy Leagues Version 1.0 Beta
This release is the culmination of over 2 1/2 years of PHP/MVC development work to build a robust framework. The fact that it allows users of Out of the Park Baseball 10 and up to create and manage fantasy leagues based off their games (MLB or fictional) is icing on the cake. So without much further ado, here is the first beta release.
About this release
Download and Installation
This release includes a PDF Administrators guide which includes instructions for preparing your server and installing the mod. It also includes a summary of the Administrative functions on the site.
Additional guides for commissioners and users are in the work and should be ready by the final stable release.
Changes in this release
0.1 Beta 9/29/10
- Fixed bug that caused the mod to generate incomplete schedules for leagues
- Fixed use of short open PHP tags
- Converted short echo statement (<?= ?>) to regular PHP echo where applicable
- Removed unnecessary development files
- Unnecessary PHP Notices appearing in site
- Added list of required OOTP data tables to the OOTP League model
- Fixed error when the site was looking up OOTP league events in a non-existent table
- Added a check to the admin dashboard for required OOTP data tables that may be missing
- Added highlights to required OOTP data tables on the Admin "Load Individual SQL Files" page
- A copy of OOTP10 or higher
- Web server with a minimum of PHP 5 and MySQL 3.23 and 500 mB of space (depending on your league size)

Version 0.1.1 Beta
9/30/2010 12:45pm EST
1.8 mB ZIP file