Road to 1.0: User Management Upgrades, Part 2. Changes…

The Road to 1.0 is a series of articles chronicling the journey of this mod from conception to full 1.0 release.
No sooner did I finish work on the 0.5 beta release and draft up a blog post regarding user management changes (and shortcomings in the workflow) than I queued and executed a couple of big updates to user management. I’m excited to say that some of the most glaring shortcomings have finally been addressed and the mod is now even better than ever.
Up until now, if a site administrator wanted to manage a users account details or remove them, they had to do so manually in the database. This is OK for people like me who know their way around phpMyAdmin and a database, but for the average site admin with limited technical knowledge, that’s a pretty big (not to mention scary) leap to take. A less imposing way to see a list of site members was to use the link from the “My profile” page, but how many admin’s would go there to find members? (Especially since I never documented that in the admin guide, whoops).
So for 1.0.6Release Candidate 1, there are several additions to help solve these issues. So let’s take a quick look!
Admin Dashboard Tools

New to the Admin Dashboard is the Tools & Utilities section. This features the existing “users requiring activation” tool as well as the new Edit About Page tool. It also sees the addition of two new user-specific tools as well:

- Member Management Tool
This works the same as most of the other create, read, update, delete (CRUD) tools on the site like the news and league search pages. It displays a listing of all registered members of the site. It also lets an admin manage each user lock status (such as unlocking an account after too many login attempts), user activations, editing their information, and deleting accounts all in one place. This was one of the most significant admin tools missing before, and now it is finally a part of the site.
Public Profile Updates
The public profiles list has been “cleaned up” so to speak as only active users will be displayed in this list now. This is to cut down on possible attempts by users to join but never activate and spam search engines with URLs and bogus email addresses in their profiles. A big bug that caused any two-digit or higher user id’s to not display has also been squashed.
Locked account are now truly “locked”

For the majority of the beta, making login mistakes didn’t come with a penalty. The locked user status has now been completely connected meaning if a user goes over the set # of failed login attempts, their account is locked and they will not be able to access the site. The site admin must unlock their account in the member manager for it to be available again.
Although not a complete rebuild or rewrite, user management gets a significant boost and closes the loop on some of the most “must-have” tools needed by site admins. Download the mod and try out your own fantasy league today to see them in action.
Notes on the change from Patch #4 to Release Candidate 1
Patch #4 (version 0.6) was supposed to be released Wednesday August 31. Due to Hurricane Irene and related power and internet access related issues, this release had to be canceled.
While the final 1.0 code was set to be released on September 12, 2011, the first Release Candidate, OOTP Fantasy leagues RC 1, will be released on this day instead. This is so that beta testing on the season aspect of the mod, encompassing the rotisserie and trade features, can be completed as planned.
The Final 1.0 Release of the mod is now set for two weeks later on September 26, 2011.
Get the mod today and start playing OOTP Fantasy baseball!
Download the latest stable release version from the official home page. All the documentation you need is right there with the included Administrators Guide. New for 0.5 is the Commissioners Guide which includes all the instructions necessary to run your fantasy leagues.
Give Feedback
Sound off on the forums. Head over to the OOTP Fantasy Leagues forums to let us know your thoughts on the mod. Interact with other users and let us know if you’re running an OOTP Fantasy League.
Want to contribute?
OOTP Fantasy Leagues is 100% free and open-source, and the source is publicly available on GitHub. Head over to the official Github page, fork it and send a pull request with your updates.
Want to help test?
Testing assures everything works as expected and that everyone gets the best fantasy experience possible. You can request to join the OOTP Fantasy Beta team. You’ll get access to join the beta demo season, access to the private development and beta testing topics on the mod forum, and exclusive access to features and changes BEFORE they become public. Use the official contact form to request to join the team today.