1.0.1 Maintenance Update Release
A new release is available today for the OOTP Fantasy Baseball Leagues mod. Version 1.0.1 is a maintenance level release that upgrades the mod with better OOTP 12 support and some slight admin updates. The following changes are included:
- Added function to the admin dashboard to delete mod database tables. This is a helpful function if you choose to remove the mod from your server and don’t want to have to manually clean up your database.
- Added check for required database tables and a redirect if they are missing
- Added a new field to the installer and game settings page in the admin dashboard to select the OOTP game version being used (the mod defaults to the current release version of the game if none is specified)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug on the player profile page where the mod was trying to resolve a player’s state/territory of birth from a non-existent column in the OOTP 12 data dump.
- Fixed an incomplete PHP initiator tag on the member controller
How to Update
If you have an existing fantasy league mod site setup running 1.0 Final, the patch release features just the changed files plus an upgrade script. To update your site:
- Download the patch release ZIP
- Unpack the ZIP file and upload all files to the webserver (overwriting all existing files when promoted).
- Browse to http://[Your Fantasy Mod URL]/[fantasy]directory]install/upgrade.php
- Click the Upgrade Now button to run the update script.
- Log-in and continue to use your league.
League running OOTP Fantasy Baseball Leagues 1.0 Release Candidate 1 or earlier must uninstall their league and use the full installation instead.
If you run into errors, please either post a note in the mod support forum (please submit a request for a forum account via our contact form if you do not already have an account on the forum) or submit a bug report.