OOTP Fantasy Leagues 1.0.3 Released

OOTP Fantasy League Version 1.0.3 is available for download. Included in this new are the following changes:
- Tested compatibility with OOTP Baseball version 21
- Fixed compatibility issues with PHP 5.6 and 7.3+
- UI Look and Feel updates
- Updated site splash and League Home pages
- Added a new Team Home Page
- Fixed display bugs on the player profile page
- Fixed issues with the auto-draft favoring pitchers much more than batters
- Fixed database connectivity issues during install and file uploads
- General other bug fixes and changes
Since there are breaking changes to the database, users should delete prior instillations of the mod and install a new copy of the site.
For further questions, refer to the mods FAQ.
Download the mod and start YOUR OOTP Fantasy League today!